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Clinical Aromatherapy Mastery Program Certification (Digital Course-300 hours)

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Clinical Aromatherapy Mastery Program Certification (Digital Course-300 hours)
Product Details

Clinical Aromatherapy Mastery Program- Levels 1- 3

Aroma Apothecary Healing Arts Academy's 300-hour Aromatherapy Mastery Program is intended to provide the highest quality of Clinical Aromatherapy Certification. This complete program offers an exceptional comprehensive combination of courses geared towards holistic healing and creating a successful aromatherapy business.

Graduates are qualified to join the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) and (AIA) Alliance of International Aromatherapists as a professional aromatherapist and are qualified to take the National Registration test with the Aromatherapy Council, practice as a clinical aromatherapist, and are eligible to enroll for the Aroma Apothecary Healing Arts Academy's teachers training.

This distance learning/online program does not require any in-class attendance. The program may be started at any time as an entire program or one course at a time, starting with Aromatherapy Level 1.
There are three years given to complete this mastery program, for most students it generally takes 1.5-2 years. A clinical aromatherapy diploma is issued upon completion of each 50-hour course OR a 300-hour diploma upon completion of the entire program, as well as the final transcript. Upon the completion of this program and one year of aromatherapy practice, graduates can join NAHA as a Level 3: Certified Clinical Aromatherapist.

This complete 300-hour certification program includes the clinical aromatherapy level 1 course and five of the clinical aromatherapy level 2 and level 3 modules. This program is offered in either digital download or hard copy (shipped to you) format.

Save $199 when you register for this complete digital download mastery program.

Included in the Aromatherapy Mastery Program:

  • Six- 50-hour Digital Download course manuals: text and workbooks:
    Clinical Aromatherapy level 1
    Clinical Aromatherapy level 2 and level 3 modules:

    Module A- advanced anatomy and physiology & advanced materia aromatica
    Module B- advanced case studies/ consultations, aromatherapy research & advanced materia aromatica
    Module C- integrative medicine: five-element healing & advanced materia 
    Module D- wise business & professional ethics
    Module E- formulating 20 aromatherapy products & advanced materia aromatica
  • Fifteen Hours of Audio Seminars
  • Personalized instructor support/mentorship by phone, e-mail or personal Skype session.
  • Video Presentations

Please note this digital format program does not include these required and additional books below.
Choose the hard copy format of the clinical aromatherapy mastery program to receive these additional books below. These exact books are also available for purchase on Amazon.

  • The required book is NOT included for the Module A- Advanced Anatomy and Physiology course- The Human Body: An Illustrated Guide to Its Structure, Function, and Disorders (Editor Charles B. Clayman).
  • The required book is NOT included for the Module C- Integrative Medicine/Five Element Healing course- Staying Healthy with the Seasons by Elson Haas
  • The required book is NOT included for the Module D- Wise Business course- Business Mastery, 4th Edition by Cherie Sohnen Moe
  • Additional reference book for CA Level 1 is NOT included: The Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness by Nerys Purchon and Lora Cantele.
  • Additional reference book for Module E is NOT included: Herbal Home Spa by Greta Breedlove

Tuition: $1,595

Aromatherapy Level 1 - 50 hours

Designed for the health professional, retailer, and layperson with an interest in the uses and applications of essential oils and hydrosols in a safe and effective manner. This course will provide you with a clear and concise understanding of aromatherapy and will give you professional confidence in aromatherapy blending and much more.

Aromatherapy Level 1 Course Curriculum:

• Lesson 1- What is Aromatherapy? • Lesson 2- History of Aromatics • Lesson 3- Extraction Procedures, Present Day Aromatherapy • Lesson 4- Limbic System • Lesson 5- Integumentary System • Lesson 6- Lymphatic System • Lesson 7- Stress Physiology, Interactions of essential oils with the body, mind, and emotions. • Lesson 8- Carrier Oil • Lesson 9- Aromatic Botany • Lesson 10- Materia Aromatica for 20 essential oil • Lesson 11:Therapeutic Blending, Contraindications, and precautions of essential oils, Uses and applications of essential oils and hydrosols, Blending factors, Therapeutic index for cross-referencing multiple conditions to create a personalized aromatherapy formula • Lesson 12- Essential Oil Chemistry • Ten Case Studies • Written Test

Aromatherapy Levels 2 and 3 (Five- 50-hour Modules) included:

Module A - 50 hours

Advanced Anatomy and Physiology & Advanced Materia Aromatica

This anatomy and physiology course provides comprehensive information that is easily integrated to understand the functions of our physical bodies, as they exist in their ideal state and for imbalanced disorders. The text is an illustrated guide to the human body's structure, function, and disorders that has over a thousand beautifully colored medical drawings, which include all the body's major systems, and more than 150 diseases and disorders are described, together with their causes, and symptoms.

This course is highly recommended if you have never taken a college-level anatomy and physiology course or need a refresher that will create a lasting impression and a deeper connection with your body-mind communication. Topics covered: cell structure, basic biology, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, respiratory system, circulatory system, immune system, digestive system, human life cycle, genetics, reproductive and urinary systems, and the aging process.
The course also includes Advanced Materia Aromatica, ten essential oil profiles. (50 hours)

* Required book for the Advanced Anatomy and Physiology course is NOT included- The Human Body: An Illustrated Guide to Its Structure, Function, and Disorders
, (Editor Charles B. Clayman). Choose the hard copy course format to include this book.

Module B- 50 hours

Aromatherapy Consultations/ Advanced Blending, Aromatherapy Research, and Advanced Materia Aromatica

This aromatherapy consultation course is an advanced continuation of the cross-referencing blending from the Aromatherapy Level 1 case studies. Create ten custom aromatherapy blends for your client's individual needs and precautions.
The course also includes authoring a professional quality 8-10 page aromatherapy research paper that can be professionally presented or submitted as an article in a magazine or research journal and creating fifteen essential oil profiles.

Module C- 50 hours

Five Element Healing: Integrative Medicine and Advanced Materia Aromatica

The theory and principles of the Five Elements provide a detailed holistic perspective for healing the body, mind, and emotions. You will learn the principles and characteristics of the Five Elements--fire, earth, metal, water, and wood--in clinical observation and assessment. In successive sections of the course, you will discover how to apply your Five Element knowledge within the healing modalities of reflexology, acupressure, and clinical aromatherapy. All of these tools and techniques can be easily integrated into other healing modalities and applied directly to yourself and others. The course also includes Advanced Materia Aromatica 2, ten essential oil profiles. (50 hours)

* Required book is NOT included for the Five Element Healing: Integrative Medicine course- Staying Healthy with the Seasons by Elson Haas M.D. Choose the hard copy course format to include this book.

Module D- 50 hours

Wise Business & Professional Ethics

Whether you are an employee, self-employed, or starting a new business, this course is inspiring and detailed support to encourage you to reach new levels of success. The course uses the book Business Mastery, written specifically for wellness professionals. Gain knowledge to implement business components and legal requirements to successfully operate an aromatherapy business. These business skills include: strategic planning, time management principles, creating a business plan and organization, policies and procedures, client record confidentiality and safety, legal status, professional licensing and insurance, tax preparation and returns, company branding, marketing, and advertising.

The course also includes professional ethics to assist you in providing the highest quality of clinical aromatherapy services and consultations, projecting a professional image and upholding the highest standards of professionalism, conducting all business and professional activities within your scope of practice, and abiding by all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. (50 hours)

* Required book is NOT included for the Wise Business course- Business Mastery, 4th Edition by Cherie Sohnen Moe. Choose the hard copy course format to include this book.

Module E- 50 hours

Formulating 20 Aromatherapy Products and Advanced Materia Aromatica

Create your own aromatherapy and herbal products! This advanced formulating course will enable you to create products for personal use, application in therapeutic or other healthcare practice, or market them for retail purposes. You will formulate 20 of your own custom products using a wide variety of raw organic ingredients. Any product you use on a daily basis can be made with natural, organic ingredients. Formulate everything from hydrosols, herbal infusions, skincare, and healing products. You can custom-make natural products specific to your clients' and customers' specific needs, skin types, and conditions. The course also includes Advanced Materia Aromatica 2; fifteen essential oil profiles.

NOTES: To successfully download these digital products you will need to have a computer operating system of at least Windows XP, Vista, or 7 Mac OS 10.5 and an updated version of Adobe Reader 10.1.2

There are no refunds on the digital courses. Please see our Refund Policies.

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.

It will never fail you."

~ Frank Lloyd Wright

PO Box 690

Crestone, CO 81131


Certified Clinical Aromatherapist

& Certified Aromatherapy Instructor

Holistic Health Practitioner


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