Enroll with Aroma Apothecary Healing Arts Academy
Aromatherapy Stress Management, 6 hours (Digital Course)
Aromatherapy Stress Management
Learn how to counter the harmful effects of stress on the body, mind, and emotions.
This course covers aromatherapy stress physiology; ways to reduce environmental, physiological, and emotional stressors; aromatherapy for well-being; safety and precautions of essential oils; carrier oils for blending; uses of aromatherapy; materia aromatica for essential oils of chamomile, grapefruit, petitgrain, and vetiver, and more... (6 hours)
Included in the course:
- Digital Course Manuals; textbook (25 pages) and Workbook (23 pages)
- BONUS! 1-1/2 hour digital audio seminar.
- Personalized instructor support by phone and e-mail.
NOTE: To successfully download these digital products you will need to have a computer operating system of at least Windows: XP, Vista, 7 or Mac OS 10.5 and an updated version of Adobe Reader 10.1.2
"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.
It will never fail you."
~ Frank Lloyd Wright